Helios Rising Heroes Wiki
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While it may seem a tad superficial, my favourite kinds of people are those can easily understand

Victor Valentine is a mentor in the North Sector.


Victor is a young-looking man in his early thirties who is tall and has a slim build. He has long straight white hair that almost reaches his waist as well as a pair of rectangular wire-rimmed glasses. He has teal-coloured eyes and thin eyebrows.

Victor wears the standard HELIOS grey shirt and black trousers. On the left side of his shirt, he wears the signature HELIOS badge, meanwhile, on the right side, he wears a four-star badge indicating his rank being Major Hero. On his plain black tie, he wears a tie clip, as well as a plain black belt around his waist. He sports it with greyish-purple shoes.

Hero Outfit[]

Victor wears the HELIOS training outfit under an open-collared grey shirt, that has a black button stand and is tucked into a simple pair of black trousers. His shirt also has a thin black belt strap over his chest. Over this, he wears a long white coat, with indigo-ish highlights all over. This coat resembles a lab coat, reflecting his profession as a researcher. He wears a belt that is slanted from his left hip to the right below his right hip and it matches his coat. His standard boots have indigo accents.



A Hero who also holds the title of Doctor.

While an excellent researcher, he decided to become a Hero to collect valuable Substance himself. He's brimming with inquisitiveness and takes pleasure in satisfying his thirst for knowledge.

He's known to be a gentleman who seems to always smile for some reason. However, he doesn't understand the feelings of others and has rather odd views on the world.

He was in the same class as Nova and the two are quite close.


Victor states that he isn’t close with his family, not feeling anything resembling sadness when both his parents died. Even his remaining family member, his grandmother, has mentioned that Victor wouldn’t weep if she died and Victor claimed her to be 100% right.[1]


Main Characters
South Sector Akira Otori · Will Sprout · Brad Beams · Oscar Bale
North Sector Ren Kisaragi · Gast Adler · Victor Valentine · Marion Blythe
West Sector Leonard Wright Jr. · Faith Beams · Keith Max · Dino Albani
East Sector Gray Reverse · Billy Wise · Asch Albright · Jay Kidman
12th Robins Sage Skyfall · Nico · Jude Ares · Bianchi Law
Side Characters
HELIOS Staff Nova Summerfield · Lily McQueen · Jacqueline · Jack02
Eclipse Shin · Sirius · Siams
New Million Army Harvey Adler · Luca Reinhart · Kai Reinhart
Other Roy · Chuck · Chris Wright · Leonard Wright · Robin Goodweather · Licht · Background Characters
  1. Life-Size Pride : Part 14