The Shop is where you can make in-app purchases, buy items using Rubies, and exchange other currency for items.
Screenshot of shop needed
Tabs (top → bottom)
- Recommended (おすすめ) includes all of the Ruby Special Letter Packs, the Quest Pass and the Helios Pass.
- Ruby (ルビー)
- Packs (パック)
- Items (アイテム)
- Decoration & Clothing (装飾・衣装)
- Item & Medal Exchange (アイテム交換 メダル交換)
For Furniture Shops, see Map.
You can purchase Rubies, a Quest Pass, and a HELIOS Pass. All items in this tab will have a green button on the upper-right corner of their containers. Clicking this button will show the exact contents of the set.
Packs offer both Rubies and Hero strengthening materials. Like Rubies, tap the green button on the upper-right of each pack to view its contents.
- Sets (セット)
- Hero Strengthening (ヒーロー強化)
- Frame Strengthening (フレーム強化)
- AP Recovery (AP回復)
- Other (その他)
Decoration & Clothing[]
- Commander's Room Furniture (指令室家具) offers additional Commander's Room Furniture Set slots and two types of plushies, a regular version and a muffler version. (> To Commander's Room)
- Limited-time plushies may be offered during Campaigns, and are redeemable using the campaign-specific currency.
- Voice (ボイス) displays limited-time voice lines that may be offered during campaigns.
- BGM displays a list of Event BGM that can be set to play on any screen listed in Settings.
Item & Medal Exchange[]
Helios Medal Exchange[]
This exchange uses Helios Medals and will always be available. Players can exchange Helios medals for Outfits, Voice Lines, Homescreen Backgrounds, Mini Hero Outfits, Event BGM, Limited Event Frames and, Limited Furniture.
Medal Exchange[]
This exchange uses Event Medals earned by playing in the Event Order. It is completely dependent on the current Event Order.
Based on the Event Order, the Medal Exchange:
- Uses Medals unique to each event
- Opens and closes when the Event Order starts and ends
Item Exchange[]
This exchange functions the same way as the Medal Exchange, except it uses other types of currency such as Campaign tickets.