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I keep getting errors in my Commander's room when moving furniture and couldn't finish my beginner's task for it.[]
Unfortunately, this is a common bug. Some people find that connecting their VPN to Japan or the Netherlands solved the error for them. After which you should be able to use your Commander's room as normal.
I can't open the game on my emulator.[]
Please note that the game is not supposed to run on emulators which is why the game may not work for you on an emulator. There may be some versions on some emulators which could run the game. However, a future update to the game may also make the game unable to run on an emulator it was able to previously.
How do Frames work?[]
Briefly, you can equip Frames to your Heroes to give them Skills, passive Abilities, and some more stats to their base HP and attack power. To give the Frame's Skill to your Hero as the third Skill, you must equip the Frame as the main Frame and the featured Hero of the Frame must be the same as the Hero the Frame is equipped to. To give the Frame's Abilities to your Hero, it does not matter whether you equip the Frame as the main Frame or a sub Frame but the Frame's Attribute (aka the colour) must be the same Attribute as the Hero it is equipped to.