Helios Rising Heroes Wiki
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Haha, there's so many things I gotta do... Did that sound like I was complaining? My bad.

Gast Adler is a rookie in the North Sector.

A Big Brother-type character who is good at taking care of others. Born from a military family, he was well-known delinquent back in the days, and Akira was one of his beloved underlings. A mood maker able to pick the situation with a lot of friends, he actively tries to talk with the unsociable Ren. He wants to be popular and get a girlfriend but is bad with women after a certain incident in his past.


Gast is a young tall man with a great build.  He has long brown hair that reaches up to his shoulders and it’s pushed back by a green hair band. His eyes are a light greenish-teal and he has thin eyebrows. He also wears pink triangular earrings.

Gast wears the standard HELIOS black T-shirt and trousers. On the left side of his shirt, he displays the signature HELIOS badge, while on the right side, he wears a single star badge indicating his rank is A. He accessories his uniform with a brown belt that has an eagle design in the middle, hair ties, and silver bracelets on his arms. He sports this with flat pull-on brown shoes.

Hero Outfit[]

Gast wears the HELIOS training outfit with a large green jacket over it. His coat is designed with many red, black, and white highlights all over it with a fur hood, and he has multiple pockets to pair with this. From around his waist and thigh area, he wears a brown belt designed strap around it. As a weapon, he uses a slightly bigger than arm-lengthened gun. His standard boots have red highlights.


Gast wears a white tank top that has ascending black bars on it; under a fleece zip-up. He pairs this with simple black trousers.



Gast isn’t seen to be particularly close to his family. He purposely becomes a Hero to ‘rebel’ against his father. Other than this, there isn’t much mention about his family except that they’re a military family.

Reveal Spoilers

In First Storm, though Gast ‘supposedly’ follows his father’s orders, he purposely postpones things his father wants him to do against HELIOS, and does things under the impression that he is following his father’s orders to protect HELIOS and not following specific orders to not cause harm to HELIOS as well as his younger sister Hannah. Later on in Overflow MIDDLE SECTION, it’s revealed that Gast was hiding out at Lagoon Farm where his mother was. Right before he leaves, he thanks his mother for everything. Then in Overflow FINAL SECTION, Gast states to Harvey that if his mom is happy then so is he.


Main Characters
South Sector Akira Otori · Will Sprout · Brad Beams · Oscar Bale
North Sector Ren Kisaragi · Gast Adler · Victor Valentine · Marion Blythe
West Sector Leonard Wright Jr. · Faith Beams · Keith Max · Dino Albani
East Sector Gray Reverse · Billy Wise · Asch Albright · Jay Kidman
12th Robins Sage Skyfall · Nico · Jude Ares · Bianchi Law
Side Characters
HELIOS Staff Nova Summerfield · Lily McQueen · Jacqueline · Jack02
Eclipse Shin · Sirius · Siams
New Million Army Harvey Adler · Luca Reinhart · Kai Reinhart
Other Roy · Chuck · Chris Wright · Leonard Wright · Robin Goodweather · Licht · Background Characters